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Benny's Blog
Valentine’s Day
If you come to Shanghai in Valentine's day, you'll see flowers everywhere. People are going crazy for the Valentine's Day. It seems that young people in China have more passion on Valentine than the traditional Chinese Valentine's day. Moreover almost all shops and restaurants consider this western love festival as the golden opportunity to earn more money. It has become a huge business in newly affluent China.
I think it's not necessary to celebrate Valentine's day here. Because first it's not a even Chinese holiday, we have nothing to do with it. Second, China has it's own traditional love festival which is on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. We call it "Qi Xi". Sadly not many young people are aware of that, they may tell you the history of the Valentine's day, however, I bet they don't know the story of "Qi Xi".
I am not against people who celebrate the western holidays, In fact think it's good to know something about western culture. But just dont' be too over on it.
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